Friday, May 24, 2013

What happened to Red?

    Once upon a time there was a young girl named Red. She lived in a small village in the clearing of a large forest.
    One day her mother told her to take a basket of baked goods to her grandmother, who lived with in the the forest. So Red took the basket and set out to her grandmother's house. As she left she heard her mother say, "stay on the path and away from the wolves!"
    Red just waved to her mother and left the safety of the village and into the forest. Along the way she came across a small clearing that was filled with wildflowers, and she figured that she could take a bouquet of flowers to her grandmother along with the baked goods. She left the path and walked over into the field to pick some flowers.
   After a while Red heard weak whimpering and whining. She followed the noise and found a young wolf stuck in a hunters trap. Of course she felt awful for the wolf, but she didn't want the wolf to eat her if she set him free.
   "I would set you free, but you might eat me if i do," cried Red.
   "i promise i won't eat you if you set me free!" The wolf whimpered.
   "Hmm.. my mother told me not to trust wolves tho.." she looked at the wolf.
   "I could help you some how! Just please let me out of this thing!" he pleaded. Red looked into the wolf's pleading brown eyes and gave in to helping him. Red opened the cage door and let the wolf out.
   "Oh thank you!" The wolf wagged his tail. Red held out her hand for him to sniff. He sniffed her hand and his tail wagged faster. "You smell like apple pie!" Red smiled and petted his grey fur.
   "My name is Red, what's yours?" She smiled at the wolf and he just blinked.
   "Wolf?" He plainly said.
   "I'll just call you Wolfy, ok?" Red smiled, "try to stay away from any more traps, Wolfy." She walked away trying to find the path again. Little did she know that the wolf was following her.
   Red looked around after a few hours a realized that she was lost. She walked over to a tree and sat down at the base of the tree and started to cry.
   Wolfy's ears perked up at the sound of her crying and he didn't like the sound at all. He walked away from his hiding spot and up to Red.
   "Please stop that, Red.. i don't like it when you do that.." Wolfy sat next to the girl.
   "Oh Wolfy!" She sobbed, "i-i'm lost! And.. and it's getting dark and i'm scared!" Red hugged the grey wolf's neck crying into his fur.
   "I know the way to the path," he licked the salty tears away from her pale cheeks, "just please stop crying."
   "Ok," Red giggled from his toung licking her face, "thank you Wolfy." Wolfy smiled and lead her deeper into the forest. Every so often he had to stop and wait for the girl to come closer before he started to walk again. With in the short time that he'd known Red he started to take a liking to her. He never wanted to hear or see her cry ever again so he needed to know what happens to make humans cry.
   "Hey Red?" He sat down on a rock and waited for her to catch up.
   "Yes Wolfy?" She walked over to the rock and Wolfy jumped down and walked closer to the path.
   "What makes humans cry?" He asked with his ears perked up.
   "Well.." she thought about it for a minute, "when people get hurt, angered, scared, or sad they cry, but sometimes when people become very happy we start to cry too."
   "You hurt when you become happy too?" He looked back at her shocked, Red only giggled.
   "No silly, well its hard to explain," Red frowned.
   "Ok now i'm confused," Wolfy huffed.
   "Me too," Red giggled and petted the wolf's head. Wolfy walked on to the path. Red smiled and walked to her grandmother's house. Wolfy followed Red to make sure that she didn't get lost again.
   Once they arrived at grandmother's house Red walked into the small house and let the wolf in with her, but when grandmother saw Wolfy she screamed and told both of them to leave. Pained, Red left with her friend. The two walked in silence for about an hour until they came to the edge of the village.
  "Why does your grandmother not like me," Wolfy asked softly.
   "My family hates wolves, but i like them.. i mean your nice, so that means that not all wolves are bad," Red smiled and walked into the village, and again Wolfy followed her home. One of the villagers saw Wolfy following Red, and thinking that the wolf was going to kill and eat her, gathered every one in the village to kill the wolf. Red stood in front of Wolfy not letting them get any where near him.
   "Get out of the way Red!" Her mother yelled.
   "No! Wolfy is my friend!" Red yelled back. Then something hit her in the head causing her to black out.
  This enraged Wolfy. He growled and howled loudly, calling his pack. Wolfy explained every thing that happened that day to them and they decided to help Red and Wolfy.
   When Red woke up, she was laying in her bed with Wolfy laying next to her. She felt weird, she felt her self, but she felt weird. She got up and looked at her self in her mirror only to see her self as a red furred wolf!
   She panicked and woke up Wolfy. He only smiled and licked her cheek. He told her that the only way to save her from the villagers was to turn her into a wolf, and that they had to leave the village.
   All the wolves, including Red, ran into the forest. Where they all lived happily ever after.

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